It’s about inspiration, a single spark that leads to a flame, just as a chance sighting or sudden glance, can lead to an enduring love that lasts a lifetime. Custom jewelry is intimate, a bespoke statement formed in the most precious materials known to man. No two gemstones are alike; they are unique in every way, fingerprints of nature formed deep in the earth. Equal parts permanence and fragility each and every geological element, every movement of the earth came together in a precise way at the perfect time to birth these timeless testaments to nature’s unrelenting beauty.
We take design seriously, mindful of the odds that these stones and metals overcame to find their way into our jewelry. Careful creativity is paramount to properly exhibit these gems on the equally rare individuals for which they’re made.
For the daring people who design jewelry it all begins with a question....
How should it look? How should it feel? But far more importantly how should it make me feel? Great design speaks to your emotions so we find that it’s the only place to begin the journey.